2nd March 2013 George Orwell’s ‘Homage to Catalonia’ 75 years on
0January 29, 2013 by Lydia Syson

I’m looking forward to the 2013 Len Crome Memorial Lecture, which this year will be held not at the Imperial War Museum as usual, but in Manchester, with speakers such as Richard Baxell, Tom Buchanan, Christopher Hall and Paul Preston. I’m sure there will be some extremely interesting exchanges of opinion.
All are welcome – and you can register on the day or book in advance using the form above.
For more information or to book refreshments, please contact Dolores Long (0161 226 2013, doloreslong@fastmail.fm) or Hilary Jones (0161 224 1747, hilary.m.jones@btinternet.com)
Follow this link to find out more about Len Crome, whose IWM interview was an important source for ‘A World Between Us’.

Looking Back at the Spanish Civil War , edited by Jim Jump, is a valuable collection of essays by leading British and Spanish historians who have given previous Len Crome Memorial Lectures. Contributors discuss the politics of memory; recent revisionist historiography; biographies of international volunteers such as Laurie Lee; the experience of nursing in Catalonia; the baptism of fire of Jarama; Britain’s blocking of aid to the Republic; Soviet intervention in the conflict; and the crimes of Franco, both during and after the war.
Category Bookings | Tags: Christopher Hall, conference, George Orwell, Homage to Catalonia, IBMT, lecture, Len Crome, Paul Preston, Richard Baxell, Tom Buchanan
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